Pre-Anesthetic Bloodwork
Pre-anesthetic bloodwork is recommended prior to all general anesthetics and surgical procedures. Blood work is a way to pick up on internal abnormalities that can not be detected by a physical exam. These abnormalities may increase your pets risk of complications during general anesthetic and surgery if undetected prior to the procedure.
The main benefits of having pre-anesthetic bloodwork done prior to surgery or general
anesthetic are: ▪ It helps to determine if the patients kidney and liver are functioning properly in order to process the sedative and anesthetic drugs. ▪ Ensures that the blood can carry adequate oxygen to tissues, stop bleeding appropriately and fight infection.
▪ Establishes a baseline of values to compare with post surgery and for future examinations. This baseline information is also the foundation for a future geriatric screening program.
▪ Identifies pre-existing congenital (born with) or occult (not showing signs yet) conditions that are not evident from a physical exam. These conditions may hinder the patients ability to handle the procedure/medications.